Top suggestions for Emily Saliers |
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- Emily Saliers
Interview - Inigo
Crossing - Grey Eagle
Asheville - Amy Ray
Interview - Emily Saliers
Girlfriend - Land of
Canaan - She's Saving
Me - Emily Saliers
Fly - Brandy
Clark - The Ark Ann
Arbor - T-Bone
Burnett - Paranormal
Indigo - Hotel Indigo
Athens GA - Close to Fine
Song - BBQ Pulled Pork
Nachos Recipe - Barbara Brown
Taylor Retreats - Infinity Hall
Norfolk - Indigo Sky Casino
Bingo - Indigo Power
of Two - Lucy Wainwright
Roche - Ansley Golf
Club - Brandi
Carlile - Aladdin Theater
Portland - Kristen
Hall - Epic Records
CD - What Is Fine
Tuning - Magdalene Laundries
Joni Mitchell - Closer to Fine
Guitar - Amy Ray Romeo
and Juliet
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