Were Pallets of Bricks Strategically Placed at US Protest Sites?
Claim: Government officials, law enforcement, billionaires, or antifa groups nefariously placed pallets of bricks at protest sites in U.S. cities to stoke violence during June 2020 demonstration…
Fact checked by snopes.comBricks Were Placed for Construction, Not to Incite Protesters
Jun 5, 2020 · Some viral social media posts misleadingly suggest that piles of bricks are being staged ahead of the protests over the death of George Floyd to incite violence. We reviewed five social media...
Disinformation: Suspicious piles of bricks - ADL
Description: In late May 2020, images and videos appeared on social media showing large pallets of bricks sitting on sidewalks where Black Lives Matter protests were occurring—and where, supposedly, no construction was underway. As the largely peaceful protests sparked accusations that protesters were engaging in violence or rioting ...
VERIFY: Fact-checking claims about pallets of bricks in protest …
Jun 4, 2020 · Claims have come from major cities like Dallas and San Francisco and smaller cities like Fayetteville, NC. Some users believe that the bricks have been laid out by police officers seeking to turn protests violent in order to excuse aggressive crackdowns.
No Evidence So Far Of Coordinated Campaign To Place Pallets Of Bricks …
Jun 2, 2020 · Multiple viral social media posts claimed that a pallet of bricks in Dallas was part of a government scheme to entrap protesters. The placement of these bricks was investigated by NBC News , and there is no evidence of government involvement.
Chaos erupts overnight in Downtown Dallas following protests over ...
May 30, 2020 · Protestors used items like bricks to bust out the front store windows. Police were left manning the store as glass covered the sidewalk, hoping to prevent looting and further damage. It was just...
Bricks deliberately placed for protests? Fact-checking viral vids ...
Jun 3, 2020 · People across the country have taken photos and recorded videos of pallets of bricks laid out along sidewalks and next to streets where protests are taking place or plan to take place. Claims...
Fact Check: Bricks Were Placed for Construction, Not to Incite ...
Jun 5, 2020 · But police told the Associated Press that the bricks were a 10-minute walk from where the protesters would be marching, and were left there by a homeowners association for a construction project.
Bricks 'randomly' appear during protests sparking theories they …
Jun 1, 2020 · Those taking part in demonstrations against police brutality and the death of black man George Floyd have reported finding large stashes of the makeshift weapons on streets. Videos from New York...
Were Bricks Planted at Protests by Police? Probably Not - Business Insider
Jun 4, 2020 · On June 1, a popular Instagram account posted a photo of bricks in Dallas, writing that the government was responsible for planting the pallets to entrap protestors.