MEXICO CITY (AP) — An attempted prison break early Thursday in Honduras left two inmates dead and three injured, authorities ...
President Xiomara Castro won election promising to tackle Honduras' narco-corruption problem. A new scandal suggests she's ...
The U.S. State Department and other global leaders have denounced the slaying of another environmental leader in rural ...
Thousands of Hondurans took to the streets Saturday to show their support for embattled President Xiomara Castro, after a ...
The Honduran Supreme Court has ruled the legal foundation of special economic zones known as ZEDEs unconstitutional, which has disrupted ongoing operations and leaves their future uncertain. Approved ...
After InSight Crime released a video of the Honduran president’s brother-in-law negotiating with drug traffickers, the ...
An anti-mining activist was shot and killed in Honduras, President Xiomara Castro said, vowing justice for the latest such ...
They could not foresee they would lead a fight against it that would launch their village into national politics and prompt ...
El pleno de magistrados de la Corte Suprema de Justicia de Honduras declaró el viernes por mayoría de votos que son ...
(CNN Español) — Opositores marcharon este viernes en Tegucigalpa, Honduras, para exigir la renuncia de la presidenta Xiomara Castro, según presenció un equipo de CNN en el lugar. La manifestación ...
Dos presos murieron y tres resultaron heridos cuando 72 reclusos intentaron fugarse de una cárcel de Honduras la madrugada del jueves, informaron las autoridades.
Miles de hondureños con camisetas y banderas rojinegras salieron a las calles este sábado en apoyo a la presidenta izquierdista Xiomara Castro, cuyo gobierno es sacudido por un video en el que aparece ...