国家: 中国 产区: 辽宁 葡萄品种: 威代尔 100% 酿酒商: 烟台张裕葡萄酿酒股份有限公司: (电商有售) 酒精度: 11% 购买链接:https ...
As the winery enters a new era as part of the Prosit Group, innovation and renewal go hand-in-hand with continuity and ...
Since its unanticipated wine awards success in 2011, Ningxia has emerged as China’s fine wine-producing hotbed. After 13 ...
作为西班牙领军的葡萄酒集团之一,穆丽尔酒庄(Muriel Wines)推出了旗下Viña Eguía项目的全新系列,引领我们重新发掘里奥哈的多样性和现代风格。 1926年,穆丽尔酒庄于里奥哈的埃尔西戈 ...
This year’s Decanter World Wine Awards (DWWA) saw Ningxia emerge as the frontrunner, securing 85 medals. Xinjiang followed closely with 32 medals, while Shandong producers proudly took home 17 medals.
Vines were planted in New Zealand early form the 19th century, but quality wines started to be produced from the 1970s, when the first Sauvignon Blanc vines were planted in Marlborough. Winemakers ...
胡椒的辛香,石墨、黑色水果和草本芬芳若隐若现;口味爽脆、新鲜多汁,整体十分和谐平衡。 返回2024年Decanter世界葡萄酒大赛获奖中国葡萄酒 - 银奖 II(90-91分) DecanterChina.com刊登的所有内容 ...
上乘佳酿令人心动,随着时光荏苒见证美酒的成长,更是葡萄酒爱好者们不可多得的乐趣。因此,打造一个良好的储酒场所就 ...
上乘佳酿令人心动,随着时光荏苒见证美酒的成长,更是葡萄酒爱好者们不可多得的乐趣。因此,打造一个良好的储酒场所就 ...
国家: 中国 产区: 山东 次级产区: 烟台 葡萄品种: 60%西拉,40%赤霞珠 酿酒商: 烟台张裕丁洛特酒庄有限公司 酒精度: 14.5% 馥郁 ...
国家: 中国 产区: 宁夏 次级产区: 贺兰山东麓 葡萄品种: 100%马瑟兰 酿酒商: 宁夏青铜峡市维加妮酒庄有限公司 酒精度: 14.5% 咖啡豆的芬芳在成熟多汁的黑加仑和李子果香衬托下更显馥郁,风格 ...
Quite solid red fruits and grassy aromas with a flinty character. Ripe and harmonious, firm tannins. Back to 2024 DWWA: Award-winning Chinese wines - Bronze III (86 ...