The Government of Serbia made a Decision to establish May 3 and 4 as Days of Remembrance for the Victims of Mass Murders.
On the evening of September 18, the higher public prosecutor's office in Pancevo was informed by police officers of the ...
President of the Republic of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, is participating in a working lunch organized by the President of the ...
Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić addressed the public from Brussels. "We talked about the plans of the new European ...
A wave of explosions rocked Lebanon yesterday, a day after massive pager explosions that killed 12 people and injured ...
Hungary is at the epicenter of a water vortex, and strong storms are threatening Italy, while the number of victims of ...
President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, will participate today in Brussels in a working lunch organized for the leaders from ...
Na TikTok profilu "Mystery Happened" objavljena je priča čoveka koji je iznajmio kuću preko Airbnb-a, a potom se šokirao kada ...
Ruska vojna komanda je očekivala ukrajinski upad u oblast Kursk i provela je mesece smišljajući planove da ga spreči, prema ...
Irski napadač Šejn Long u podkastu govorio je o Dušanu Tadiću, tačnije o njegovom periodu koji je proveo u dresu Sautemptona.
Danas je 940. dan rata u Ukrajni kome se kraj i ne nazire. Prema izveštajima s fronta, ruske trupe potkopavaju brane u ...
Holandska policija je uhapsila osumnjičenog koji je takođe povređen. Portparol policije Vesel Stole rekao je da policajci ...