As world leaders gather at the UN for the Summit of the Future and General Assembly High-Level Week, the UN Deputy ...
Repeated Russian attacks on energy infrastructure and power cuts in Ukraine will likely uproot an additional 500,000 people ...
UN Secretary-General António Guterres has called for accountability following a “despicable” terrorist attack in Mali this ...
Last October’s terror attacks by Hamas and other Palestinian armed groups on Israeli communities marked a devastating day for ...
The UN envoy supporting peace efforts between Israelis and Palestinians voiced grave concern over the growing risk of ...
In a time marked by escalating global crises – from rising poverty to the worsening climate emergency – the United Nations ...
The report details how this debt crisis is jeopardising progress aimed at ending AIDS in Sub-Saharan African countries, which ...
The imperative for global regulation of the booming artificial intelligence field, or AI, is “irrefutable”, a new report from ...
Diretor da Abong ressalta importância da colaboração com a presidência brasileira no G20 e a necessidade de reformas globais; ...
联合国艾滋病规划署 周四发布的一份报告详细描述了债务危机如何危及撒哈拉以南非洲国家在终结艾滋病方面的进展,这些国家占全球艾滋病毒感染者的绝大多数——在近4000万的总人数中占2590万。
联合国中东和平进程特别协调员文内斯兰周四向安理会表示,他仍然对以色列在包括东耶路撒冷在内的被占领的西岸无情地扩大定居点深感不安。他再次重申:以色列在 1967 ...