Record-setting wildfires are raging in the Pantanal region in Brazil. In a densely vegetated rural area the size of England, ...
Embattled political systems in Latin America make it difficult for conservationists and environmental policymakers to ...
Brazil is burning. From the Amazon rainforest to the Pantanal wetlands, flames have consumed millions of hectares of forest ...
Extreme drought affecting large parts of South America has dramatically reduced the flow of the Amazon River where Colombia ...
This has been a difficult year for the Pantanal, a region that encompasses the world's largest tropical wetland area.
The Pantanal, Brazil's wetlands region, covers an area roughly the size of England. Although this region is typically flooded ...
Brazil's raging wildfires are being driven by people seeking to clear land for agriculture or arsonists out to sow havoc, a ...
A key compound of the deadly defoliant “Agent Orange,” used in the Vietnam War, was sprayed from planes to deliberately kill ...
A report by environmental and rights NGOs Tuesday linked three major meatpacking companies to illegal deforestation in Brazil ...
The hallmarks of climate change — extreme heat and drought; larger, more intense wildfires and supercharged hurricanes, ...