In a heartbreaking incident that has left the Akron community reeling, 15-year-old Jazmir Tucker was shot and killed by ...
The mayor and police chief in an Ohio city where a 15-year-old boy was fatally shot by police on Thanksgiving night said the ...
Akron City Council President Margo Sommerville is calling on Mayor Shammas Malik to fire the officer who fatally shot Jazmir Tucker on Thanksgiving night.
Bodycam footage released by the mayor and police chief of an Ohio city, where police killed a 15-year-old boy on Thanksgiving ...
The Akron Police Department is investigating a shooting in the Patterson Park area of Akron that left a 21-year-old man dead ...
Dozens of people gathered outside Akron City Hall Akron Monday night to protest the deadly police shooting of 15-year-old ...
Akron authorities released edited bodycam and dashcam video of the police shooting of 15-year-old Jazmir Tucker on ...
Saturday marked a second night of protests in Akron following the release of police body camera video that captured the moments between officers and 15-year-old Jazmir Tucker on Thanksgiving.