Rapper Ice Cube rolled up to their dugout in a vintage blue convertible with the Commissioner’s Trophy in the front passenger ...
A man and woman are in jail after detectives caught up with a fugitive in Turtle Creek. The Allegheny County Sheriff’s ...
As California officially observes Tsunami Preparedness Week this week, one of the most vulnerable communities in the state is ...
Crews in Pickens County said the Table Rock Complex fire nearly doubled in size Wednesday and is now more than 4,500 acres ...
HENDERSON, Ky (WEHT) – A Bloomington woman is facing charges in Gibson County for allegedly driving 106 MPH on I-69.
The Gibson County Sheriff's Office says 21-year-old Carissa Moore was pulled over on Wednesday around 6 p.m. after she was ...
Most of the homes around the Altadena Golf Course survived the Eaton fire. Residents are concerned that the U.S. Army Corps ...
SOMERVILLE, Ind. (WFIE) - Gibson County Sheriff’s Deputies have arrested a man they say attacked someone with a metal pipe.
Sgt. Todd Ringle says she eventually stopped after crashing into another trooper’s cruiser. Fortunately, there was only minor ...
Dan Dickey, seeking his sixth straight four-year term as Gibson City’s mayor, will be challenged in the April 1 consolidated ...
A Princeton woman is facing charges after deputies allegedly saw stolen mail on her after she tried to yell and threaten ...
Law enforcement officials say there was a short chase in Gibson County on Wednesday morning. According to officials with the ...