The Lincoln Police Department released results Monday of a traffic safety and enforcement project conducted in February.
A citation will also indicate if the case is a criminal or civil. A criminal case can result in a $1,000 fine and/or a ...
The Bexar County Precinct 3 Constable's Office has suspended its use of LIDAR cameras to catch speeders in North Bexar County ...
Millions of drivers get traffic citations each year. As mentioned, police issue these during traffic stops for things like speed, illegal lane changes, etc. These citations can be expensive, and some ...
Virginia lawmakers delivered a last-minute compromise on a contentious safety bill — ushering in high-tech school zone ...
After successful trials in Europe, 'Heads Up' cameras are coming to more places in the US. Here's how they work.
Charging a “technology fee” on traffic citations was discussed, again, by county commissioners at their meeting this month.
The city of Sacramento will start Tuesday issuing citations to vehicles parked illegally in Sacramento ... blocked bus stops force passengers to board or exit buses in unsafe areas often into traffic ...
then did not issue a ticket in accordance with state law. Hoffman himself had no comment on the traffic stop. Do you have a concern in your community or a news tip? We want to hear from you!
According to a post from the Pierce County Sheriff's Department Blog, the crackdown yielded a startling number of citations in a single day. Last Tuesday, a sheer 128 traffic infractions were ...
BLAIR COUNTY, Pa. (WTAJ) — Officers with the Blair DUI Task Force released results from a DUI roving patrol conducted on Super Bowl Sunday, Feb. 9. During the patrol, officers made 65 traffic stops, ...
There are many reasons why drivers may get pulled over for traffic stops and receive citations. It could be due to issues related to their cars, but more commonly, people get traffic tickets due to ...