Certain congenital or acquired diseases and defects such as tracheo-oesophageal fistula, tracheomalacia, tracheal stenosis, airway ischemia, infections, and tumours can cause damage to the trachea.
This visual display helps drive home crucial concepts with text, images, graphs, tables and other multimedia. A clear, organized slide deck is a valuable presentation anchor and a tool to keep your ...
Now select the ‘Manage’ option appearing in the top ribbon under the ‘Picture Tools’ Select the ‘Slide Show’ option to begin the photos slideshow. As soon as you click the ‘Slide ...
Finally, slides were dehydrated and mounted with DPX ... suggesting this design better recapitulated the anisotropic mechanical properties found in native tracheal tissue. Moreover, to assess the ...
Slip these slides into your travel rotation whether you’re cruising, camping, or just chilling. Rena Behar is a journalist and editor focusing on tech, travel, and gender. She has contributed to ...