An animated A to Z guide that explores and introduces a variety of religious topics. Sunni and Shia Muslims: What is the difference between the two, and is there a connection between this age-old ...
There are new and popular maths games for each Key Stage, including EYFS, KS1, KS2 and KS3 in England and Wales, or nursery and primary levels in Scotland and Northern Ireland. From popular maths ...
The idea of such a burial seems first to have come to a chaplain at the Front, the Reverend David Railton (1884-1955), when he noticed in 1916 in a back garden at Armentières, a grave with a rough ...
If you’ve heard one too many students tell you that ‘Reading is boring’, then try these reading for pleasure activities from Karl Vadaszffy… By bringing in books you won’t find on the school’s reading ...
1855. The British rule, and all across the country, Indian magic is being stamped out. More terrifying still, people born with magic are being snatched from their homes. Rumour is that they are being ...
There are three plays commonly taught at KS3: Romeo and Juliet, A Midsummer Night’s Dream ... The Tempest has slightly dodgy colonial undertones. The History plays, particularly the Second Tetralogy, ...
Please see the available workshops and dates below. UK Home Educators are able to book spaces for their own children on the age 11–14 (KS3) presentations in the Museum lecture theatres. Spaces are ...