Captain America is an iconic character. The argument can be made that Captain America is the entire reason that Marvel ...
Captain America was almost given a name that was so generic and cringe worthy that Marvel feared the character would be ...
Marvel has introduced readers to some of the greatest superteams of all time. The Fantastic Four’s super-science/Cold War ...
Since the Immortal Hulk concluded three years ago, the character has struggled to find a footing, but all of that is soon to ...
Batman writer Sam Hamm presented a more comedic approach to the property, but his quippy Dr. Doom might've gone too far.
To hear Stan Lee tell it, the X-Men came to be precisely because he was tired of making up origin stories. Instead of ...
With appearances in thousands of comic books and more than a dozen live-action and animated movies and shows, Batman is among ...
The Hamato brothers are a well-oiled fighting machine, which would make it easy to take on a few of DC Comics' most iconic ...
Marvel Comics has some of the best superhero teams in comics, as well as some bad ones too. Here are five of the best and ...
At National, they created and distributed Detective and Action Comics – the precursors to DC, which would become one of the ...
The month after debuting Thanos & Drax in Iron Man & the same month his Captain Marvel saga launched, Where Monsters Dwell ...
There's more to fiction than meets the eye, & when it comes to some of the greatest characters in Marvel history, fiction ...