When it comes to popular manga such as Naruto, few would assume that the authors aren't given as much freedom as they desire, ...
Naruto is filled with powerful emotional moments that tug at the heartstrings, showcasing the deep bonds that define the ...
Sakura Haruno is one of the most controversial characters in Narutobecause she came across as a useless and irritating ninja ...
H eroes are an important part of any anime series, but it's the villains that really keep the audience hooked. Villains, in a ...
Sai had nothing left of Shin but the drawings he made of himself ... and that made all the difference in the Sannin battle.
Fans may have overlooked this key detail about Kaguya's foreshadowing by Masashi Kishimoto in their criticism of Naruto as Redditors pointed out.
13. From there, Bandai Namco showed off gameplay by pitting this Sasuke against Naruto. We get to see his Chidori Layering, his Cursemark Second State, and Fire Style: Dragon Flame Jutsu performed ...