A CPU chip that contains two distinct processing units that work in parallel. IBM introduced dual core Power 4 CPUs in 2000, followed by Sun and HP in 2004 and x86-based Pentiums in 2005.
NXPs new microcontroller MCX L series comes in two versions, aimed at cutting energy consumption while boosting cyber ...
Intel's nearly 10-year-old Skylake-based Core i7-6700HQ quad-core mobile CPU was barely any slower than the dual 32-core chips, featuring a single precision score of 1,113 points, half-precision ...
The first 'Bartlett Lake' CPUs are now on the market, but they're not the P-Core-only designs we were promised.
today jointly announced that their dual-core ARM® Cortexâ„¢-A9 MPCoreâ„¢ processor-based chip, adopting SMIC's 40nm LL (low-leakage) process technology, has achieved a clock rate of 1.3GHz in silicon ...