The Altoona Water Authority is in the midst of a multi-year upgrade of its water plants’ ozonation and filtration systems, on which it has spent or intends to spend $43.5 million so far — with ...
The company that owns coal piles in downtown Green Bay says it has agreed to a meeting with city and county officials about ...
The company C. Reiss released a statement Thursday on agreeing to a meeting with Brown County and the City of Green Bay to negotiate an agreement on relocating the coal piles ...
The company’s long-term plan forecasts 8,000 MW of growth through early 2030s, while citing the potential of 40,000 MW of ...
Ohio lawmakers passed House Bill 15 on Wednesday in an effort to attract new energy generators and reduce consumer energy ...
A ruling by the Illinois Pollution Control Board disallowing NRG Generation’s request  for leniency handling the two coal ash ...
The environmental group alleges the Eagle Valley Generating Station in Martinsville discharges untreated wastewater into a ...
Referring to a little-known provision, it said power plants and others could write to seek exemptions to mercury and other ...
Dutch forest campaigners are claiming a significant victory over one of the Netherlands’ top energy providers, Vattenfall, ...
Today in Ohio unleashes scathing criticism as podcast examines how Ohio legislators fought to maintain coal plant subsidies – born in a corrupt bill -- that have collected $679 million from Ohioans’ e ...
State subsidies for two coal-fired power plants, which cost Ohio electric customers $174 million last year, were passed as ...