Mind Shattering The cataclysmic eruption of Mt. Vesuvius in 79 AD has fascinated researchers and historians for centuries.
Two thousand years on, scholars still don’t agree on the day the destruction of Pompeii began. Two new studies only fan the ...
Heat from the eruption in A.D. 79 was so intense that it vitrified the brain tissue of one unfortunate Herculaneum resident, ...
Archaeologists in a new discovery unearthed a “megalography” in the ruins of Pompeii that has revealed the wilder side of the ...
The research uncovers the vitrification process, where intense heat from the eruption turned brain matter into glass, a ...
Scientists have confirmed a rare discovery in Herculaneum—a man's brain turned to glass during the Mount Vesuvius eruption in 79 A.D.
The research team used X-ray imaging and electron microscopy work out that the brain must have been heated to at least 510C ...
Mount Vesuvius was so hot it turned a man’s brain into glass when it erupted, fascinating new research shows. A piece of dark ...
A young man was lying in his bed when a viciously hot cloud of ash swept down from the erupting Mount Vesuvius and turned his ...
The volcanic eruption of Vesuvius in 79 AD that buried the Italian city of Pompeii, with its inhabitants suffering a deadly ...
Mount Vesuvius erupted in 79AD, covering nearby Pompeii and Herculaneum in ash which buried the towns and hundreds of its ...