Johan Jonkers, voorzitter van Museum Buren & Oranje, is allerminst gelukkig. Het museum zit op de schopstoel van Buren. De gemeente wil vanwege hoge kosten af van een aantal gebouwen en het oude ...
On February 1, the Undergraduate Research Students’ Association (URSA) hosted Synergy, its first-ever cancer research conference, showcasing undergraduate research in the field. The event featured ...
Limited in part by the spatial resolution of typical in vivo magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) data, recent neuroimaging studies have only identified a connectivity-based shell-core-like partitioning ...
Woensdag was het goudkleurige blad van de bar in Buurtkamer De Waard de ondergrond voor een bijzonder moment in MFA De Scheg. Horecaondernemer Sven Russchen mocht voor de eerste keer achter ‘zijn’ ...
MFA De Scheg is sinds de opening deze zomer volop in bedrijf. MFA staat voor multifunctionele accommodatie; er is dan ook van alles mogelijk in de sporthal annex buurtkamer, met huurruimten voor ...
Introduction:: Stress may cause prospective escalations in abdominal pain magnitude and accumbal TRPV1 expression, while central neural circuits mediating these stress effects remain unclear. Methods: ...
Priva Living Arjan is a residential building in Arjan. It is developed by Avantime Limited and has 12 storeys above the ground. The architect of the building was HAO Architectural & Engineering ...
The Wings is a residential complex in Arjan, Dubai. It features three residential buildings and a retail boulevard. This five-storey development features studio, 1, 2 and 3-bedroom apartments.
Models of recognition memory have postulated that the mammillo-thalamic tract (MTT)/anterior thalamic nucleus (AN) complex would be critical for recollection while the Mediodorsal nucleus (MD) of the ...