Dr. Havi Dreifuss is associate professor in Jewish history at Tel Aviv University (Israel). She earned her doctorate in history from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in 2005. She has language skills ...
Professor John W. Steinberg earned a Ph.D. in history from The Ohio State University and an M.A. and a B.A. from the University of Kansas. During his fellowship at the Museum, he was Associate ...
For many years I have been sharing memories about my life as a prisoner under Nazi occupation during the time we call the Holocaust. I do so with the hope that humanity will learn the truth of what ...
“Conceptualizing Forced Labor in the Context of the Holocaust: Romania and Hungary, 1940-1944.” Ms. Anca Glont is a PhD candidate in history at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. She ...
This video provides an overview of the Holocaust, Days of Remembrance, and why we as a nation remember this history. Transcript Estelle Laughlin, Holocaust Survivor: Memory is what shapes us. Memory ...
Remember the Children: Daniel’s Story is the Museum’s primary exhibition program for young people and their families. The exhibition tells the story of one family’s experiences during the Holocaust ...
Dr. Götz Aly received Ph.D. in history and political science at the Free University in Berlin, Germany. During his fellowship at the Museum, he was an independent historian. For his J.B. and Maurice C ...
Resources and tips to assist you before, during, and after your visit to the Museum ...
The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum mourns the passing on May 6, 2006, of Sister Rose Thering, a passionate voice against antisemitism and a pioneer in Catholic-Jewish relations. A Dominican ...
We have created this guide with both the hosting organization and the survivor community in mind and hope that our suggestions will help your organization consider the survivors’ comfort and ...
Visitors encounter Sol LeWitt’s wall drawing Consequence, situated in the Museum’s second-floor lounge, just after they leave the portion of the Permanent Exhibition dedicated to the ghettos and death ...