Claire chatted to Kirstin Petersen from Cornell University about how robots can work together to achieve complex behaviours.
Claire chatted to Gianmarco Pisanelli from the the University of Sheffield Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre about how to promote the safe and intuitive use of robots in manufacturing. Gianmarco ...
Claire chatted to Keenan Wyrobek from Zipline about drones for delivering life-saving medicine to remote locations. Keenan Wyrobek is co-founder and head of product and engineering at Zipline, the ...
Simon Johnson is the co-founder and CEO of Open Stratosphere, an independent company that designs, builds and operates regional fleets of stratospheric drones with the highest quality and safety.
Prof. Jong-Oh Park is Director of the Robot Research Initiative and Professor of Mechanical System Engineering at the Chonnam National University in Korea, and presently serves as an executive board ...
Kassie is the Managing Editor at Robohub, where she helps coordinate the best editorial process and marketing promotional activities. Kassie is a science communication grad student at UWE, in Bristol.
Robot Talk is a weekly podcast that explores the exciting world of robotics, artificial intelligence and autonomous machines.
Open Source Robotics Foundation, Inc. (OSRF) was established in 2012. OSRF is incorporated in California as a Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation and is recognized in the USA as a tax-exempt public ...
Joe Jones is cofounder and CTO of Franklin Robotic, Inc. His primary interest is the practical application of robotic technology to real-world problems. Before Franklin, Joe cofounded Harvest ...
The International Federation of Robotics connects the world of robotics around the globe. We aim at promoting the positive benefits of robots for productivity, competitiveness, economic growth and ...
Giovanni Beltrame received an MSc in electrical engineering and computer science from the University of Illinois, Chicago in 2001, the Laurea degree in computer engineering from the Politecnico di ...