French President Emmanuel Macron has said he is ready to start discussions for nuclear deterrence for Europe in response to the threat posed by Moscow. Macron told the newspaper Le Monde he was ready ...
Les ministres du gouvernement Bayrou multiplient les déplacements. Rien d’étonnant car ces visites officielles sont ...
French President Emmanuel Macron acknowledged on Friday that he left Washington after talks this week with President Donald ...
Such tones as white and navy or other variations on blue are a staple of Brigitte Macron’s wardrobe as France’s first lady.
Trump’s diplomatic how-to guide boasts new chapters on the arts of bullying, harassment, gaslighting and, of course, the deal.
INTERVIEW. Quelques semaines après avoir lancé l'alerte sur le mauvais état du Louvre, sa présidente Laurence des Cars confie au « Point » ses projets, et l'avenir de l'?uvre de Léonard de Vinci.
French President Emmanuel Macron began a two-day state visit to Portugal to strengthen bilateral ties and encourage European ...
The winner of Germany's parliamentary elections has travelled to Paris to meet the French president for a working dinner on ...
Où va-t-on trouver, d’ici 2035, les 700 millions d’euros nécessaires au projet Nouveau Louvre ? Dans les poches ...
Has the bromance been revived? We look at European press reactions to Emmanuel Macron and Donald Trump's meeting in ...
À la Une de la presse, mardi : les réactions partout en Europe à la rencontre entre Emmanuel Macron et Donald Trump à ...