After a year of exploring a mysterious valley on Mars, NASA's intrepid Curiosity rover is headed to a new destination with ...
NASA scientists are hoping to understand the history of where they found the rocks — and for evidence of ancient microbial ...
NASA's Curiosity rover has made a groundbreaking discovery on Mars by uncovering pure sulfur crystals within a broken rock.
After 12 years exploring the red planet, NASA's Curiosity rover is still going strong. The robot has spent the past year ...
NASA’s Curiosity rover discovers rare sulphur stones on Mars which uncover new clues about the planet’s history. (NASA/JPL) ...
A stunning panorama shows the haunting terrain of the Gediz Vallis channel, where the Curiosity rover has been exploring.
In the Gediz Vallis channel, the ‘curiosity’ rover “out of curiosity” discovered rare sulphur stones which provided new ...
The Mars Curiosity rover had to weather a solar storm. Specks seen in the video the rover captured are "caused by charged ...