Tetany can throw people who aren’t feeling normal — and sometimes their doctors — for a loop. In general, tetany involves overly stimulated neuromuscular activity. Tetany is an involuntary ...
Mrs Annie Thomson, thirty-two, was delivered of her third baby and her first son. There was natural rejoicing. But, within ...
“What is a sacrament? A sacrament is an outward sign instituted by Christ to give grace.” Does this question and answer sound familiar? It should ring a bell for at least some. It is a ...
As a young child, Gigi* had a vague awareness that the parents who raised her were not her biological relatives. She called her foster mother “Fei EE”, and every Saturday, she would visit her ...
JEMIMA CAINER: The Sun enters Pisces today while the Moon moves into Scorpio. This intensely emotional energy is disrupted a little by Venus making a minor aspect to Uranus. What does this mean?
A novel genetic cerebral small vessel disease, linked to the insertion of a mobile genetic element in the COL4A1 gene has recently been identified. Notably, 8 out of the 10 families carrying this ...