Plans are advanced to extend the North-South Toll Road, which will begin with a clover-leaf interchange at Mammee Bay in St Ann, extending westward to Discovery Bay (Phase 1A) and eastward to ...
KINGSTON, Jamaica — Prime Minister Andrew Holness has declared his Jamaica Labour Party (JLP) Administration to be presiding over the strongest economy since the country gained Independence in 1962.
(Jamaica Gleaner) Prime Minister Dr Andrew Holness says the Opposition People’s National Party (PNP) should not be allowed to control government again, and that a major information campaign ...
Prime Minister Dr Andrew Holness has responded sharply to former Prime Minister P J Patterson for his recent scathing assessment of the present government's stewardship of the country's affairs. Last ...
The Parliamentary Opposition has continued its criticism of the Andrew Holness led administration's stewardship of the economy, arguing that the government is covering up the true state of the ...