The voice in your head says you should push through, work harder, be more disciplined. But what if the key to freedom lies in ...
Noviembre' exposes the clash between artistic freedom and societal control, as Alfredo’s rebellion against conventional art ...
Munch was one of the first truly modern painters. One who dug beneath the social and psychological veneer of the everyday.
Na conferência “O Futuro da Comunicação Social” ficou claro o "papel crucial" dos media. No entanto, é preciso distinguir o ...
“E se tu olhares, durante muito tempo, para um abismo, o abismo também olha para dentro de ti” – Friedrich Nietzsche, Para ...
In Freud ian terms, man’s instinctual pursuit ... principle” as influenced by society’s demands (reflected by the superego) and is repressed or compromised within each individual (by the ...
A quick reading of Freud might have made the government see the folly of its ideas about the relation between the superego and the unconscious: Dreaming about a murder doesn’t mean that you’re ...