Up to 25 cm of Snow Expected Today Before Conditions Begin to Ease Tonight Heavy Snow, Ice Pellets, and Freezing Rain Risks Keep Travel Challenging KENORA – WEATHER – If you're in the Kenora and Lake ...
An early spring storm brings bouts of rain through the weekend and freezing rain in our northern viewing area ...
Meteorologist John Burchfield explains how the signs of spring, like cherry blossoms and warming temps, are arriving earlier ...
"Springtime welcomes back life with migrating birds, the birth of young mammals, and the mating calls of amphibians," Darci ...
The beauty of spring is here as nature explodes with blossoming flowers in vibrant colors, chirping birds and longer days in ...
A rumble of thunder is possible, but heavy rain potential is low due to dry air over us. Lows will be in the mild 50s by Friday morning. Friday brings a small, continued shower chance in the morning, ...
Perennial plants start going into a dormancy period in late summer to protect them through the upcoming winter.
There is a brushfire risk today, even with the recent rainfall. It’s really common in early Spring before green-up when there’s so much dry brush outside. A front will stall over the region this ...