The Social Security Fairness Act was proposed to reverse the rules surrounding the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and ...
House lawmakers have the signatures they need to prompt a vote on a bill that would eliminate rules limiting Social Security ...
HR 82 would eliminate the Windfall Elimination Provision, called WEP, and the Government Pension Offset, or GPO, sections of ...
House lawmakers secured enough signatures to force a vote on a bill to eliminate Social Security rules that reduce benefits ...
A bill that would expand Social Security benefits for nearly three million recipients has received bipartisan support, allowing it to be pushed through to the next stage of the legislative process.
Louisiana Rep. Garret Graves needs 218 signatures to force House vote on bill to end Social Security penalty on government ...
Can it be that the repeal of the windfall elimination provision and the government pension offset will actually happen? The WEP and GPO that hold back Social Security benefits for certain federal and ...
U.S. Rep. Brandon Williams is breaking with House Republican leadership to support a bill that would eliminate provisions ...
Individuals who have pension income may see their Social Security benefits reduced. Some Washington lawmakers are pushing to ...
In our global economy, it is not uncommon for people to have lived and worked in two or more countries, and thus potentially ...
U.S. Rep. John Larson opposes the bill, saying he wants any Social Security changes to be paid for, not done at the expense ...
I’ve commented many times before that Social Security is a global phenomenon. Almost every country on the planet has a Social ...