Dinosaurs had sex. Fossil nests and eggs, as well as the ways today’s birds and crocodiles reproduce, leave no doubt on that ...
1224DC100 – Birds Of Prey #18 Serg Acuna Cover – $ ... but Oracle only has the skeleton crew of Big Barda and Cass Cain on hand…and they might not be the best fit for this particular mission.
Researchers have developed a method to study bird brains by creating digital endocasts from empty cranial spaces in bird ...
The ever-repeating cycles of nature have once again shifted gears. Gone are the warm, green, flower filled days of summer, replaced by the cold air, grays and browns of dormant or dead vegetation, ...
The closest living relatives of birds, crocodillian skeletons photographed at the Gallery of Paleontology and Comparative Anatomy, Paris. Credit: Aubrey Keirnan (Flinders University) A masked ...
Old Remains of an Extinct Bird Species Resurrected, Identified to Be Herbivores by Experts An international team of researchers led by the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU) and the ...
It's difficult to know what birds 'think' when they fly, but scientists in are getting some remarkable new insights by looking inside birds' heads. Evolutionary biologists and neuroscience researchers ...
A near-perfect fossilized skull discovered in Antarctica reveals the bridge between prehistoric and modern birds, a new study ...
With its glaciers and sub-zero temperatures, Antarctica hardly seems like a place of refuge. However, the now icy continent ...
according to research that analyzed more than 30 ancient bird skeletons. Ancient red kites, buzzards and eagles that lived near towns such as Oxford, Winchester and London were feeding extensively ...
Sixty-six million years ago, at the end of the Cretaceous Period, an asteroid impact near the Yucat n Peninsula of Mexico triggered the extinction of all known non-bird dinosaurs. But for the early ...