The control group consisted of volunteers without any illness or complaints related to sicca syndrome. The study data were analyzed with the IBM SPSS Statistics software package, version 22.0 (IBM ...
Objectives To develop a score for assessment of patients' symptoms in primary Sjögren's syndrome (SS): the EULAR SS Patient Reported ... in studies developing the Profile of Fatigue and Discomfort ...
Neglected sicca symptoms were retrospectively unearthed after a positive ... Subsequent definitive serology tested positive for anti-Sjogren’s syndrome-associated antigens A (SS-A) and B (SS-B). This ...
However, the pathogenesis of the association between SS and HCV is not fully known and whether the sicca syndrome in patients with HCV is due to pSS, secondary SS or only SS-like symptoms remains ...
Relief from Condition-Related Dry Eye One study investigated the effects of taking flaxseed oil capsules (1 or 2 grams per day) on keratoconjunctivitis sicca in Sjögren's syndrome patients.
The ocular AEs of eye pain and keratoconjunctivitis sicca reported in two patients receiving 5 mg ... The wrist fracture and a case of a moderate acute coronary syndrome in a patient with a history of ...
What is lower crossed syndrome? If you’ve been told that you have lower crossed syndrome (LCS), you might wonder what this condition is, what causes it, and how it is treated. Lower crossed ...
What Is Smith-Magenis Syndrome? Smith-Magenis syndrome (SMS) is a developmental disorder that affects several parts of the body. About 1 in every 25,000 people around the world have it.
To manage this experience, often called empty nest syndrome, you may need some lifestyle changes or professional help. Share on Pinterest Brat Co/Stocksy United The post-parental stage — which ...
The patients studied on the medical wards of the Boston City Hospital had been admitted primarily for treatment of severe liver disease or the complications of alcoholism. One patient was admitted ...