The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Wildlife Services killed the male gray wolf after five sheep were attacked in Wyoming.
The USDA’s Wildlife Services officials on Saturday shot and killed a male wolf released in Colorado from British Columbia ...
The USDA’s Wildlife Services officials on Saturday shot and killed a male wolf released in Colorado from British Columbia ...
A federal agency killed one of Colorado’s newest collared wolves after the apex predator wandered into Wyoming and was suspected of killing sheep, government officials confirmed Thursday.
(AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana, file) Updated [hour]:[minute] [AMPM] [timezone], [monthFull] [day], [year] DENVER (AP) — A ...
The U.S. Department of Agriculture's Wildlife Services responded to reports of a predator killing five sheep in north-central Wyoming on Saturday. The agency found evidence pointing to a wolf attack, ...
The wolf had killed five sheep. The wolf had been translocated to Colorado from British Columbia as part of a voter-approved reintroduction of wolves to the state. A gray wolf that crossed from ...
WYOMING, USA — A wolf relocated to Colorado from British Columbia was killed last week by federal wildlife officials after a "wolf predation" involving five sheep was reported on private ...