COLOGNE, Germany - Preparations are underway here for the opening of the International Dental Show (IDS) on Tuesday, March 25. However, Monday is a busy day, even with the show not officially open.
A disgraced Labour MP has said he punched a man in the street because he was “anxious”. Mike Amesbury added he had felt the pressure of Labour having a “tough time in Parliament” in the ...
Microsoft Entra ID Protection uses advanced machine learning to identify sign-in risks and unusual user behavior to block, challenge, limit, or allow access. Export intelligence back into any ...
Help your organization be better prepared for the opportunities and challenges ahead by adopting a comprehensive defense-in-depth strategy that spans identity, endpoint, and network. Human identities ...
Although all South Africans in SA, regardless of age, can now finally order their fantastic new Smart ID cards; this does not yet apply to South Africans abroad, or those born abroad. The Department ...
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