Rabat - La cérémonie de remise des prix de la 4e édition du concours de déclamation et de psalmodie du Saint Coran, organisée au profit des élèves des cycles primaire, secondaire collégial et secondai ...
BUDGET airline Ryanair is launching a new route between Manchester Airport and Rabat, the capital city of Morocco. Rabat is ...
La SDL Rabat Régions Aménagements vient de lancer une consultation pour la conception architecturale et le suivi des travaux ...
Not only can Brits bag cheap Ryanair flights to Rabat from both Manchester and London Stansted, but accommodation is highly affordable too. Sun Online Travel have found three-night stays at Riad ...
Trois femmes ont été honorées par le Cercle diplomatique à Dar El Hadith El Hassania, lors d’un iftar organisé par le conseil ...
In an effort to strengthen the economic and commercial partnership between Morocco and Egypt, a joint meeting was held in ...
Corriger les infos de la pharmacie : 152: Trying to get property 'nom_pharmacie_fr' of non-object ...
Prévu en mars au Centre Mohammed VI de football à Rabat, ce stage servira de rampe ... Le défenseur marocain de Crystal Palace, Chadi Riad, s’est blessé lors du match contre Norwich City ...
Monday, March 16: Arrive Casablanca / Rabat Arrive this afternoon in Casablanca ... Tonight, enjoy a private dinner at an intimate family-run riad in Fez. Traveling inland, cross the fertile plains ...
Nizar Baraka is facing intense criticism after he made what some commentators deemed as “corrupt” remarks about sheep prices.
Hotels ranked on industry awards, guest reviews and hotel class ratings Unbiased content created by U.S. News editors Photo ...