Among its enduring treasures is Ethiopia’s most famous export: Arabica coffee. We started the day at Tomoca Coffee on Wavel ...
Ethiopia's Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has asked the people of northern Tigray region to nominate a new leader in the latest ...
The northern bald ibis (Geronticus eremita) is an extravagant waterbird adapted to forage in dry, open habitats, and is ...
CIA confirms the Ark of the Covenants existence—a claim that has sparked fresh debate. Declassified documents reveal that the ...
I have recently traveled to countries like Türkiye and the United Arab Emirates, and throughout my journey, I was constantly reminded of Ethiopia’s profound ...
Archaeologists deconstructed these monumental ancient graves scattered across the desert of eastern Africa and found several ...
Before the destruction of the First Temple, the Ark of the Covenant disappeared. Archaeologists are now scanning through ...
Cardinal Louis Raphael Sako, patriarch of the Chaldean Church, is urging Iraqi Christians to actively participate in the ...
As the first light of the morning sun breaks over the hills of Konso, Kawadaya Oldisha, 45, begins his daily routine of ...
"ወንዳዊ፣ ሰሜናዊ እና ተዋረዳዊ የኃይል ግንኙነት (hierarchical power relation) ላይ የተመሰረተ" የምትለውን እና ብዙዎች ያለ ጥያቄ እና ፍተሻ የሚቀበሉትን ዘልማዳዊ የኢትዮጵያ ...
Opinion - Beneath the vast skies of Sidama Regional State, a timeless tradition unfolds each year, bridging the celestial and ...