Popeye the Sailor, created by Elzie Crisler Segar, is now public domain. Popeye is among a slew of 1929 characters and works, ...
Or maybe some not-so-recent funnies. Liô, where we grabbed our feature image from, is in reruns this week but the Friday ...
This year, thousands of copyrighted works created in 1929, including the earliest versions of Popeye and the Belgian comic book character Tintin, are now free to reuse and repurpose in the US.
Popeye can punch without permission and Tintin can roam freely starting in 2025. The two classic comic characters who first appeared in 1929 are among the intellectual properties becoming public ...
We've been hearing about this one for a while, and ITN Studios has now released the first trailer for its "raunchy and gory" Popeye horror ...
The comic also first appeared in the U.S. in 1929. Its signature bright colors — including Tintin's red hair — didn't appear until years later, and could, like Popeye's spinach, be the subject ...