Lebaran terasa kurang lengkap tanpa suguhan manis lebaran yang lezat! Yuk, intip berbagai rekomendasi kue lebaran khas dari ...
Zagreb, Kroasia diguncang gempa magnitudo 5,3 pada 22 Maret 2020, menyebabkan kerusakan parah, evakuasi rumah sakit, dan kepanikan warga di tengah karantina COVID-19.
JawaPos.com - Hari Raya Idul Fitri menjadi momen penuh berkah bagi semua umat Muslim di seluruh dunia. Kebersamaan keluarga dan kemenangan spiritual menjadi hal penting untuk dirayakan saat lebaran ...
Keduanya merasa terancam dengan ancaman peningkatan aktivitas Angkatan Laut Rusia di Laut Hitam. Pejabat Uni Eropa menyebut rencana dialog AS-Rusia akan berdampak pada keamanan di negara tetangganya, ...
Failed asylum seekers could be sent to the Balkans under plans being considered by the government. Home Office officials have discussed proposals to set up overseas "return hubs" to house asylum ...
A government order to ban TikTok to protect children from violent material came into force more than a week ago, but the mobile phone app for the video-sharing platform is still partially working ...
After decades working as a journalist, including eight years as the director of RFE/RL's Balkan Service, Gordana Knezevic is leaving the RFE/RL due to illness and relocating to Canada to be closer ...
Failed asylum seekers could be sent to the Balkans under plans being considered by the Labour government to tackle the crisis of migrants crossing the English Channel in small boats. Migration ...
Labour is considering plans to deport failed asylum seekers to the Balkans and lock them in 'detention centres' as the number of migrants crossing the Channel exceeds 5,000 this year. The asylum ...