Gundam is a popular mecha anime that has an overwhelming number of series, but thankfully this is the best list to begin your ...
From classic series like Mobile Suit Gundam to modern hits like 86, there's no shortage of excellent anime for mecha fans to ...
First Ultraman and Emi fight Mecha Gigangtron ... There were also “Ultraman” tropes that ILM adopted into this animation style, such as the Ultra Slash (energy buzzsaw) and Ultra Spacium ...
The mecha fights are animated well and the art ... comedic spin on high-fantasy and Dungeons & Dragons-style adventuring tropes thanks to its cooking-themed trappings. A Netflix-exclusive series ...
Blue Exorcist undoubtedly uses tropes shonen fans are more than familiar ... Though it’s certainly a sci-fi mecha-action anime, the flashy action and visuals are vehicles for the surprisingly ...
If I didn't already know we were only two-thirds of the way through Mecha-Ude, I might have thought this episode was set up for an imminent season finale. Compared to last time's meandering focus ...
Pilot mecha in rhythm RPG dance battles. Assemble a squad of colossal dancers, challenge every rival you lock eyes with, compete for the championship trophy, and uncover the secrets of a world ...
Last time, we left off with the apparent revelation that Aki's (wrongly) presumed dead twin sister Fubuki was perhaps the mastermind behind the recent worm-shaped Mecha-Ude attacks – and ...
Neon Genesis Evangelion is one of the most powerful, unique examples of an anime ever produced that pushed boundaries in ...