FREE TO READ] From Zoubida’s Sophia Kacimi to Nöl Collective’s Yasmeen Mjalli, designers across the globe are working to ...
[Lire la suite] Ruhlmann, Décorateur : l'exposition du centenaire de l'Art déco au MAD Paris Le MAD Paris célèbre ... le quartier des Halles, la Samaritaine ou encore l'emblématique jardin ...
Le Bon Marché chairman and chief executive officer Patrice Wagner has been named head of the new governance structure, ...
La Samaritaine, Groupe Les Echos-Le Parisien, Paris Match, Cova, Le Jardin d’Acclimatation, Royal Van Lent, Belmond et les hôtels Cheval Blanc.
Eric and Wendy Schmidt and the Sorbonne will fund a new program to digitize Delacroix’s papers and identify other artists who ...
New Village Arts announced their first musical of the 2025 lineup, "La Havana Madrid." Lilea Alvarez, one of the Co-Choreographers for "La Havana Madrid," joined Fox 5 to talk more about the ...
L’artiste du Creahm, toujours plus réputé pour ses lettrages insensés, est à l’honneur à la galerie Christian ... galerie Christian Berst, Paris, jusqu’au 26 avril.
I cannot, in good conscience, do that,” he wrote. “We do not live in an ivory tower where the arts are untouched by society. Arts and politics, arts and society are inseparable. Therefore ...
de la formation du bourgeon au «full bloom». JMC On l’a dit, les cerisiers s’assortissent de tout un art de vivre pour les Japonais. De tout un lexique aussi ! À commencer par le terme ...
Le solde du CA (22,2%) concerne essentiellement une activité de distribution sélective assurée au travers des chaînes Sephora, DFS et des grands magasins Le Bon Marché et La Samaritaine.
The tender family portrait had been wrongly attributed to a male painter of the Northern Renaissance.
By Melena Ryzik An exhibition at the Louvre-Lens in France examines centuries of interplay between art and fashion, including what the sartorial choices of artists revealed about their place in ...