engrav'd printed & sold by Paul Revere, Boston ; re-engraved by Sidney L. Smith. Courtesy: Library of Congress Sensing the potential for propaganda, Samuel Adams, John Adam's cousin and a leader ...
“the hurry of spirits, that ever attends the eager pursuit of fortune and a passion for splendid enjoyment, leads to ...
June-July: Adams publishes his first newspaper pieces ... June 17: Near Boston, the Battle of Bunker Hill plays out. Abigail and John Quincy watch the cannon fire from Penn's Hill in Braintree.
America was not fully formed in 1770, but the nature and character of the soon-to-be nation—and the importance of the rule of law—were forged by a Boston ... what John Adams did in 18th ...
The Quincy family of Boston included First Lady Abigail Adams, who was married to Founding Father and second President of the United States John Adams. Their son John Quincy Adams also later went ...