Qualcomm unveiled the Snapdragon 8 Elite chipset in October 2024. The 8-core chip has the SM8750-AB part number. However, a recent report revealed there is a new 7-core version of the chip with the ...
The most apt comparison is Intel’s own GPU, though. The Arc B580 is 17% faster than the B570 and 14% more expensive. That means the Arc B580 is still the better value overall, but there are a few ...
It would be so much easier to recommend the Intel Arc B570 if it was a $199 card, rather than $219. At that price, it’d be 20 ...
Intel's Arc B580 graphics cards have been its best-reviewed to date, maintaining the aggressive pricing of the old A-series ...
With the sibling Arc B570 scheduled to launch on January 16 at $219, many are wondering if the B580 was a one-off success.
Intel and AMD go head-to-head in this new benchmark test, that shows the Core Ultra 9 285H cleaning house in productivity, ...
Powered by the Intel Core i5-1335U Processor and 16 GB RAM, the HP Envy*360 delivers smooth multitasking and fast performance ...