As December 2024 unfolds, the anime film landscape offers a diverse array of captivating titles, each promising unique ...
Mecha anime has been around for roughly half a century, and the theme's manga debut goes back even further. Classics like ...
Yet another alternate timeline 'Gundam' series, but 'Witch from Mercury' is a far more layered tale, and this new Blu-ray ...
Directed by Yusuke Fukada and Veerapatra Jinanavin, ‘Tokyo Override’ is a Netflix animated series centered on a cyberpunk ...
Volume 42 of My Hero Academia promises 38 pages of new content to wrap up any loose ends in its ending – and it desperately ...
Mobile Suit Gundam SEED is another highlight from the mech franchise ... thoughtful themes of the human condition. Thanks to the addition of the Crunchyroll channel, anime fans now have access ...
The Kagami Group and their various human-Mecha-Ude flunky pairs keep trying to acquire Alma and Hikaru, but thankfully, Aki's too badass to let them, not that she's above tying herself in knots ...
While every attentive viewer was likely screaming, “Don't believe the mind-controlling murder-flower and her human ... t-know-it mech-battles among the best action in any anime this season.
Cartoons aren't just for kids. From the late 1990s and all through the early 21st century, TV saw a meteoric rise in animated ...
Hulu is a terrific streaming service to watch some of the best anime. On top of the platform’s solid lineup of live-action content, fans can enjoy a robust anime catalog. With a well-stocked ...
Mecha anime is a genre of anime and manga that features giant robots ... in Christian beliefs when Christ is pierced — when ...