Officials in McDowell County, North Carolina, issued a boil water advisory due to the water main break that is being repaired.
Henderson County, North Carolina, officials issued a smoke advisory due to a large prescribed burn in Greenville County.
Human Torch certainly isn’t the worst hero in Marvel Rivals, but he’s far from the best — maybe too far for one of the newest ...
In this moment, Marvel confirms that Juggernaut still has a healing factor for his armor but needs to manifest it himself as ...
15 years ago a naked man spent six hours atop a billboard on West 7th Street in Fort Worth before police talked him down. A ...
Beyond its therapeutic benefits, the veterans healing center allows OWR to expand ... From the chaos of the storm has come a foundation stronger than ever, ensuring that those who have served ...
Heal the Hood Foundation founder, LaDell Beamon, said that thanks to ABC24 and the community, they found a new facility.
One slept on Strategist hero in Marvel Rivals is secretly the best solo carry in the game, better than even most DPS heroes at carrying.
But now, a hometown group hoping to bring healing beyond the storm. New River Valley Community Services is introducing its first Virginia Disaster Assistance Team (VDAT) that offers mental health ...
Duke Energy crews are preparing for potential power outages ahead of severe weather headed toward the Triangle on Wednesday.