Except when you lower the swab, you can't help but notice… your ear wax smells. Is that ‌normal‌? Actually, it is, says board-certified ENT Neil Bhattacharyya, MD, a professor of ...
As lipids break down, they release volatile compounds—the source of body odor. In people with dry ear wax, ABCC11 is non-functional; this starves some bacteria and greatly reduces the smell of sweat.
But the truth is, your ears aren't as stink-free as you might think. Some of us have smelly ear wax, for one, and it's possible to get a bad smell behind your ears. Add piercings into the mix ...
If you notice a foul smell, it could indicate an infection ... in your earwax or have one of the causes of concern about ear wax colours, you should contact your healthcare provider immediately ...
Try removing ear wax at home with ear drops, or with natural remedies like oils and baking soda. Never pick out ear wax with certain objects, including Q-Tips, because it can impact your ear wax.
If you notice a foul smell, it could indicate an infection ... “If you’re concerned about any changes in your earwax or have one of the causes of concern about ear wax colours, you should contact your ...