Colcannon, a creamy and hearty blend of mashed potatoes and greens, is one of Ireland’s most beloved dishes, deeply rooted in ...
The St Patrick's Day celebrations kicked off the outdoor festival season in style and there was a largely positive response ...
More than a decade ago, metal detectorists Reg Mead and Richard Miles unearthed what proved to be the world's largest Iron ...
Baha’i 31 Samhain Gaelic festival on 1 November marking the end of the harvest season and beginning of winter or "darker half" of the year. Pagan/Wiccan/Celtic November 1 All Saints Day As a holy day ...
The pagan roots of Halloween are well-documented. The holiday is rooted in the Celtic festival of Samhain, which came at summer's end. As Rogers explains, "Paired with the feast of Beltane, which ...
Samhain is even mentioned in some of the earliest Irish literature. The Celtic peoples celebrated their New Year on November 1 and, like us with our New Year traditions, spent much of the night ...
‘At Stendhal [Music Festival], we did music as part of a project with friends of ours, called Damhsa Dé Danann, and they were doing a parade of various Celtic gods and goddesses ... was their ...
According to legend, the majestic River Boyne that weaves its way through Ireland’s ancient east was once a beautiful goddess ...