Sunrise and Khara announced a the new Gundam series called Mobile Suit Gundam GQuuuuuuX, with script by Evangelion's Hideaki ...
After debuting back in October, the first English dubbed episode of Dragon Ball Daima will finally arrive on Crunchyroll in ...
The English dub of Dragon Ball DAIMA hits Crunchyroll this January, and a certain someone returns after a decade away from ...
Along with the big news of Daima’s English release date, Crunchyroll released the extensive cast list for the voice actors ...
The Dragon Ball saga continues to captivate fans worldwide with the highly anticipated arrival of Dragon Ball DAIMA, an ...
Dragon Ball DAIMA Episode 8 wraps up an explosive battle, but one of the franchise's most deadly villains could be set to ...
This is just one anime, sure, but it indicates that the anime industry is still far from running out of ideas. It's even ...
T here has been no shortage of outstanding new anime in 2024, and one series that held enormous potential was the anime ...
Explore our definitive ranking of the top 16 anime series across various genres, highlighting timeless classics and modern ...
For an anime as successful as Pokémon, it's only natural to have blatant rip-offs that are either distinct or forever remain ...