THE corruption scandal engulfing Fifa continued yesterday after former Fifa vice-president Jeffrey Webb was banned from all football-related activities for life while a new investigation was launched ...
This past week’s tariff imbroglio has left one man in an unenviable position: FIFA president Gianni Infantino, who is tasked with organizing a U.S.-Canada-Mexico World Cup next summer.
SiriusXM has unveiled its “Future Five” for 2025, artists who it has supported and predicts to break through this year: Lola ...
Cristiano Ronaldo celebrates his 40th birthday today, 21-and-a-half years on from when Man United fans first clapped eyes on ...
The story of modern football, Miguel Delaney tells us in his book States of Play, is how it has been distorted by three ...
Parisian theaters such as Théâtre Hébertot, Théâtre de la Bruyère and Théâtre de la Porte Saint-Martin welcome back acclaimed ...
This is the shocking moment furious taxpayers staged a protest by throwing cash at a government official in India. Footage shows the mob of placard-wearing villagers hurling wads of cash at the ...
Trump, in his speech, mentioned FIFA, mentioned myself, thanking us, looking forward to the events we are organising here, of course, the (FIFA) World Cup mostly,” said Infantino, who succeeded Sepp ...
It feels like ZIFA has found its Prince Charming – he has the poise of a leader, he speaks like a true leader and his ...
Voormalig FIFA-baas Sepp Blatter trekt een bittere conclusie over de wereldvoetbalbond. Tijdens zijn periode als machthebber groeide de FIFA uit tot een commerciële machine en onder zijn opvolger ...
Op woensdag 5 februari passeert de onnavolgbare Cristiano Ronaldo een zoveelste mijlpaal in zijn leven. De Portugese wereldster mag namelijk 40 kaarsjes uitblazen. Daarom, een unieke terugblik op het ...