Ant-Man actor Paul Rudd explains why he doesn't think the popular fan Thanus theory would have worked in Avengers: Infinity ...
To be fair, it’d be hard to top Spider-Man: No Way Home, which had a multiversal roster of the wallcrawler’s most iconic and ...
Perhaps attempting to prove that reports of imminent box office demise have been greatly exaggerated, Marvel on Wednesday ...
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Avengers: Doomsday' has announced its star-studded cast, which includes some iconic superheroes (and shocking old ones) ...
Through a lengthy livestream, Marvel announced the cast of 'Avengers: Doomsday,' which includes Vanessa Kirby, Alan Cumming ...
"Avengers: Doomsday" finds brothers Joe and Anthony Russo back in the directors chairs. They return to Marvel having helmed ...
Doomsday via a lengthy livestream that confirmed 28 actors set to appear in the superhero movie as well as the start of ...
Doomsday announcement. And that may give us some real hints about the future of the X-Men, the Thunderbolts, and Secret Wars.
The Avengers have assembled once again. Marvel slowly revealed the full cast of “Avengers: Doomsday” in a livestream that ...