Don't miss your last opportunity to secure tickets for Adele's final live performances before she takes a break from music.
Adele is ready to go easy on herself. “She’s ready for her next chapter. She wants to take a step back and focus on her family,” a source reveals in the new issue of Us Weekly, noting that ...
一名25歲張姓工程師與友人相約台北市信義區的酒吧,興致一來,挑戰8分鐘喝1公升調酒的比賽。隨後身體不適,步行至200百公尺的ATT 4 Fun,昨(8 ...
You’ll get a day-one Origin Hero item if you pre-ordered the Ultimate Edition of the game by August 20. Additionally, this card will be upgraded to the Prime ...
Adele is scheduled to perform the final leg of her "Weekends with Adele" residency at The Colosseum at Caesars Palace from Oct. 25 to Nov. 23.
“I have 10 shows to do, but after that I will not see you for an incredibly long time, and I will hold you dear in my heart,” Adele said in a TikTok clip from one of her performances in ...
近日一則影片在喬治亞社群網站上瘋傳。 一名女子在鐵軌旁準備拍美照,下一秒就被高速行駛的火車撞飛。 根據《Ambebi.GE》報導,一名穿著火辣紅色露背裝的女子妮妮(Nini Lomidze),日前在 ...
To receive this newsletter in your email, subscribe here. 'EASY ON ME' - Adele announces hiatus from music: 'I will not see you for an incredibly long time.' FEEL GOOD STORY - Jessica Alba ...
中國在今年7月發生一起恐怖事件,一名大學生提著電動機車電池,到宿舍裡充電,但突然發生爆炸。不過當時宿舍裡,還有一名室友在睡覺,但該名學生在爆炸後,竟然獨自衝出房間,更把房門 ...
Online reported. Her last 10 shows will start on Oct. 25 and will run through Nov. 23 at The Colosseum at Caesars Palace. Earlier this year, Adele told ZDF that she wanted to focus on other creative ...
Adele usually takes long breaks between her albums, with six years passing between the Grammy-winning 25 and its follow-up 30 in 2021. However, she’s remained active longer than usual thanks to ...