Abortion rights supporters in South Dakota say doctors can't rely on a new video from the state and mandated by a law that its Republican prime sponsor said gives clear guidance to physicians for life-threatening situations.
Abortion rights supporters in South Dakota say doctors can't rely on a new video from the state and mandated by a law that its Republican prime sponsor said gives clear guidance to physicians for life-threatening situations.
Republican Sen. John Thune has the largest political war chest of any U.S. senator, topping the $20 million mark even though he’s not up for re-election until 2028. Rep. Dusty Johnson, the state’s lone congressman,
The South Dakota Legislature and Gov. Kristi Noem passed a bill during the 2024 legislative session requiring the state Department of Health to create a video that clarifies the state’s abortion exception and how it should be applied. The department published the video this week.
News Watch used Federal Elections Commission data to rank the top five political war chests in South Dakota as of the last reporting date, June 30.
A 66-year-old Jewish man from North Miami Beach, Florida, wants 17,509 South Dakota voters to sign his petition to get an initiated measure, requiring a prayer be read in schools at the start of each school day, onto the ballot for the 2026 general election.