Not one superintendent we spoke with considered higher education a resource for artificial intelligence-related professional ...
Our organizations are funding innovative districts in western Pennsylvania that are beacons of hope — just like Mr. Rogers.
Suzanne Huerta is a fifth-grade special education math teacher, in Buena Park, CA ,who says her students defy expectations.
Cases involving race, sex and LGBTQ students most likely to languish, as administration drives investigations around antisemitism, transgender issues.
Housing instability can affect children’s cognitive and emotional development and ultimately their academic success.
The three women, one fired, two placed on leave, are concerned about their own futures and families, but also millions of ...
Feldstein is well-known in the ed tech community, having worked over the years at Oracle, Cengage Learning and elsewhere. A ...
Administrators are boosting academics, attendance and culture in a three-year program that teaches them how to make systemic ...
Democrats say more trained counselors are needed, but Republicans claim a “spiritual deficit” is behind student mental health ...
The push for greater state control could bypass Congress’s authority and hurt marginalized students that programs like Title I were meant to help.
Sipos: If we want students off their cell phones, we need to give them a reason to put them down—not by force, but by making ...
The new administration has already taken steps to trim NAEP, last month canceling the 2024-2025 Long-Term Trend assessment ...