The 49th Student Academy Awards Ceremony will take place on Thursday, October 20, at the David Geffen Theater in Los Angeles. That evening, the winners will receive their medal placements – gold, ...
Watch the 8th Annual Nicholl Fellowships in Screenwriting Awards and Table Read. This year’s ceremony and table read features selected excerpts from the five 2020 fellowship winning screenplays that ...
The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences presents a new series of virtual panels for members and the public, as a part of Academy Aperture 2025, called “Academy Dialogues: It Starts with Us,” ...
This event is SOLD OUT. There will be a STAND-BY line at the west doors (closest to Almont Dr.) with STAND-BY numbers given out starting at approximately 5:30 pm. The number of STAND-BY tickets ...
Special guests include Commissioner of the New York City Mayor's Office of Media and Entertainment Cynthia Lopez, filmmakers Bill Morrison, Jimmy Picker, Luis Vale, Steven Siegel, and Phil Buehler; ...
The Academy presented a Careers in Film Summit in Atlanta, at SCADShow, in partnership with re:imagine/ATL, Savannah College of Art and Design Atlanta (SCAD), DeKalb Entertainment Commission, ...
In light of the growing concerns surrounding coronavirus/COVID-19, and for the health and safety of our staff, members and guests around the world, the Academy and Academy Museum have decided to ...
Preceded by the short film Steamboat Willie (1928), with a post-screening dessert reception. Hosted by Academy President John Bailey and Oscar-nominated production designer Jeannine Oppewall. In ...
Join us at the Academy Museum of Motion Pictures to celebrate the 2022 Nicholl Fellows and their winning screenplays. The 2022 Academy Nicholl Fellowships in Screenwriting Awards and Live Read will ...
“Worked with Billy Wilder, who paces constantly, has over-extravagant ideas, but is stimulating. He has humor – a kind of humor that sparks with mine.” - excerpt from Charles Brackett’s diary (1936) ...
In the performance that would define his career, Marlon Brando plays Terry Malloy, a onetime prizefighter now resigned to backbreaking work as a longshoreman on docks ruled by a ruthless union boss ...
Lee won a Student Academy Award for this hour-long film, which he made as his master’s thesis for NYU’s Tisch School of the Arts. Monty Ross (who would go on to co-produce several of Lee’s features, ...